Talk to your partner and decide when you are going to do the joint exercises portion together.
I assign homework for several reason, (all science based reasons), but if you do not finish it, do not stress or cancel, we will do it in-session. ​
Before Starting Your Couples Homework
Couples Homework Step 1
We Do Not Try We Train
Couples Step 1 Communication Work
Purpose of Communication Work:
Healthy communication is how we fix marital problems, heal wounds, and re-connect mentally and physically and will be the focus of step 1 & 2.
Throughout the process I will also continually evaluate each person individually and as a couple looking for any disorders or communication problems that are unhealthy and not covered in the planned homework materials.
Basic Healthy Communication
Joint Exercise To Do
Download the Basic Healthy Communication Part 1 PDF:
We will refer back to this document anytime communication is discussed in session.
Each spouse will need their own copy.
Read the first page, highlighting the important aspects of healthy communication for both the speaker and listener.
On page 2, follow the exercise instructions.
For now, make sure you follow all the communication rules for this exercise, even if you feel you don't need to use it.​
Basic Healthy Communication Part 1 PDF ---->
Fair Fighting Rules
Individual Exercise To Do
Download Fair Fighting Rules handout:
Highlight any rules you feel either of you needs to work on.
I recommend posting the "Fair Fighting Rules" PDF somewhere visible like on a refrigerator, a mirror or in your bedroom, to have as a quick reference.
I would also read it over once a day until you feel like you "know" the rules.
Fair Fighting Rules PDF ---->
Couples Step 1 Intimacy Work
As communication breaks down in a relationship, so does a couples trust, commitment and intimacy for each other.
When this happens, a persons Core Emotional Needs do not get met. (more on this later), creating a cycle of angry and resentment.
Their marriage dissatisfaction keeps increasing until they feel like roommates or worse, they would rather leave the relationship than stay married.
The focus of this section is to "start" re-building that intimacy.
Daily Dialogue & Daily Complement
Joint Exercise To Do
Download the Basic Healthy Communication Part 2 PDF:
With your spouse, read the section on:
"Daily Dialogue" &
"Daily Complements"
This is the only "required" homework that needs to be done DAILY.....
It only takes 4 minutes or less to fill out the online form.
The focus of this exercise is to promote:
Open dialogue​ between spouses
Accountability while creating new healthy behaviors
Helps create a renewed fondness for spouse
*** Do this everyday until our next session.
Healthy Communication Part 2 PDF ---->
Report Responses
Daily Report Online Form ---->
Couples Homework Step 2
We Do Not Try We Train
Couples Step 2 Communication Work
Step 2 Communication Goals:
In Step 2 we look at the 4 most common communication problems that occur in marriage that are also an indicator with a 94% accuracy for divorce.
We also look at how to respond to those unhealthy communication styles.
Lastly we will start to focus on how to communicate with understand.
Communication Problems Video
Joint Exercise To Do
Watch a video that is 20 minutes long. It is called
- The Attack/Defend Cycle -
While watching, take notes on
What unhealthy aspects shown in the video do you currently use in your communication.
What healthy aspects do you need to start implementing in your marriage communication.
This video is filled with practical wisdom that can be instantly used in your marriage to keep disagreements from becoming arguments or fights.
Communication Problems Worksheet
Joint Exercise To Do
Download I Feel Statements
There are no instructions on the PDF itself.
Read the exercise explanation over several times.
Once you feel like you understand how to use the "I feel statements", practice them on each other.
Going forward, start using the I feel statements at home and in session.
I Feel Statements PDF ---->
Report Responses
Couples Step 2 Intimacy Work
Step 2 Intimacy Goals
In this step we look at intimacy from three perspectives:
What is a persons love language and how to fill their tank.
We also look at the Gratitude we have for our spouse and how it makes them feel when it is expressed.
Having daily dialogue and giving spouse complements.
Five Love Languages Quiz
Five Love Languages Reading
Gratitude Journal Part 1
Individual & Joint Exercise To Do
Download Gratitude Journal Part 1
The purpose of this exercise is to:​
It opens the door to more heartfelt conversations with your spouse.
Take your time when you are writing your gratitude statements. The words you use will be important to your spouse when you read it to them.
Gratitude Journal Part 1 PDF ---->
Couples Homework Step 3
We Do Not Try We Train
Couples Step 3 Communication Work
Communicate with Understanding
Practicing Mutual Sympathy
Mutual Sympathy Is:
When spouses are considerate and sympathetic to each others needs.
When meeting your spouses needs is more important than meeting your own.
When you meet those needs even if it makes you uncomfortable.
True mutual sympathy is based on meeting needs out of love, not because you feel obligated to.
The Benefits of Mutual Sympathy:
Conversations are connecting rather than disconnecting.
To say that another way, the exact same conversation becomes connecting, builds trust and intimacy.
It helps both spouses meet their emotional needs
An example of mutual sympathy looks like this:
You have a couple where one spouse, Erin, wants the other spouse, Matt, to do a better job keeping in touch with her throughout the day.
Erin may request that Matt:
Texts her during the day when he think of her.
Call her on the way home from work.
Let her know if he is going to be late.
Matt has a hard time communicating with her because:
He works in a high pressure sales job.
He boss does not like his sales people to use there cell phones during work hours
Because Matt is not meeting Erin's communication needs, it could cause tension or even arguments between them. This is where mutual sympathy should be practiced by both spouses.
Out of love, not obligation, Matt increases his contact with Erin during the day.
Out of love, not obligation, Erin understands Matt is busy at work and does not hold him to contacting her.
Because both of them are working towards meeting the other persons needs, they both are fulfilled.
Matt is fulfilled because he knows his new actions make Erin happy.
Erin is fulfilled because knowing Matt is making the choice to meet her needs she will feel more loved by him.
Validate Feelings Log
Conflict Resolution
Couples Step 3 Intimacy Work
Read Primary Love Language
Individual Exercise To Do
Read Your Primary Love Language from the book.
If I gave you the book, it is yours to keep so please write, highlight, etc in the book.
Individual Exercise To Do
Read Your Spouses Primary Love Language from the book.
As you are reading their love language, pay special attention to anything that is highlighted or noted in that chapter.
Gratitude Journal Part 2
Individual & Joint Exercise To Do
Download Gratitude Journal Part 2
The purpose of this exercise is to:​
It opens the door to more heartfelt conversations with your spouse.
Take your time when you are writing your gratitude statements. The words you use will be important to your spouse when you read it to them.
Gratitude Journal Part 2 PDF ---->
Couples Homework Step 4
We Do Not Try We Train
Couples Step 4
Intimacy Work
Gratitude Journal Part 3
Individual Exercises To Do
Download a copy of the Gratitude Journal Part 3 and follow the exercise instructions.
Gratitude Journal Part 3 PDF --->
Joint Exercises To Do
After both of you finish the Gratitude Journal Part 3 , share your answers with each other.
Where you surprised by what your spouse wrote?
How did it make you feel after hearing what your spouse thinks of you?
Healing Past Hurt Work
Righting Wrongs
Individual Exercises To Do
Download a copy of Righting Wrongs from Chapman's book, The 5 Apology Languages and read for our next session.
Righting Wrongs PDF --->
Also, send myself an email with one past hurt you have that you would like to see resolved by both of you.
Couples Homework Step 5
We Do Not Try We Train
What We Learned So Far
Basic Healthy Communication
The minimum elements that HAVE to be include in all conversations:
Assertive Speaking includes:
The sharing of BOTH their thoughts and feelings with every topic discussed.
It has to be communicated clearly and directly.
When sharing, you do not hold back what you are thinking and feeling.
Active Listening includes:
​Not interrupting the speaker, focus on what they are saying.
Restating what the speaker said to make sure the speaker feels heard and understand.
Test Your Skills
Can both of you talk about a topic, from small to serious, without getting overly emotional, frustrated, angry, etc..
Fair Fighting Rules
Motivation Love
Daily Dialog & Complement
PDF of what we learned in step 1 ---->
Extra Couples Resources
We Do Not Try We Train
Extra Quick Reference Communication Resources
Quick Reference Handouts
Extra Communication Resources
Complete Guides